Reflecting on five years of partnership with NET partner Adara

Half a decade of supporting remote communities in Humla, Nepal with Adara Group
Adara Group is an international development organisation delivering quality health and education services to people living in poverty in some of the world’s remotest places. They work with partners, governments and communities to design and scale Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, and Remote Community Development programs. They also share their knowledge to expand their impact, with an innovative business-for-purpose model that allows 100% of donations to go directly to their project work.
The Navitas Education Trust, or the NET, first partnered with Adara in 2019, committing to three years of support for their remote education work in Ghyangfedi, Nepal. This work improved access to quality education by providing targeted support to eight schools in Ghyangfedi, including seven feeder primary schools and the central Shree Ghyangfedi Secondary School. The partnership continued in 2022 for another two years, this time, supporting remote education in Humla – a mountainous district with limited access to education services, particularly for girls.
Keep up to date with Adara
You can keep up with the latest news from Adara outside of the NET, by following them on Facebook, Instagram, or LinkedIn.
AdaraRemote – expanding services and opportunities in the world’s most remote areas
For the past five years, the NET has supported the implementation of AdaraRemote – a holistic community development model, spanning five pillars of service delivery: education, child protection, youth development, health and community resilience.
Adara’s work in Humla includes expanding access to education (especially for girls), strengthening child protection systems, increasing access to quality health services, and building community resilience to disasters and climate change. Adara also invests in higher education opportunities for youth, building pathways to meaningful employment. In addition, they improve knowledge around agricultural and farming techniques to create long term change in income generation, food security and environmental sustainability.
Our first grant spanned from 2019 – 2021
In 2017, Shree Ghyangfedi School, located five hours drive from Kathmandu, reopened its doors after being destroyed by the devastating earthquake that killed 86 people in 2015. In 2019, Adara partnered with the NET to expand their work to seven surrounding schools with the aim of lifting education standards across the area. Highlights from the NET’s first grant include:
- Introducing distance learning programs during COVID-19 lockdowns so students were able to learn from home. All together 30 radios, 969 exercise books, 322 pencils, 322 erasers, 18 board markers and 598 face masks were provided to feeder schools.
- Completing various infrastructure projects, including new primary classrooms and separate toilets for girls (to reduce stigma around menstrual hygiene management).
- All feeder schools offering ECD classes (children aged up to five years of age.)
- Introducing Plus Two Science and Law classes (the last two optional years of secondary schooling which were not previously available in Ghyangfedi.)
- Giving hundreds of students access to midday meals, with schools now growing fresh produce that can be incorporated into student’s diets.
- Strenghthening of Child Clubs and Girls Clubs to educate students on the importance of education and raise awareness on child marriage and trafficking. Child protection training was also provided for teachers.
Our next grant spanned from 2022 to 2024
NET’s second grant supports the mountainous district, Humla. The rough and isolated terrain of this district creates significant challenges for the community including access to education. Highlights from NET’s first grant include:
- Providing seven schools and over 1,330 students with access to a quality education.
- 99% of households sending their children to school with an attendance rate above 90%.
- Providing uniforms, bags, shoes, and basic school supplies to approximately 1,500 students.
- 1,500 trees planted as part of the ‘One Child, One Tree’ sustainability initiative.
- Creating an eco-club at Yalbang School with the support of ‘Third Pole Conservation’ organisation. Students are engaged in activities that promote conservation of natural resources.
- 99% of Adara-supported students across three secondary schools passed their Secondary Education Examination (SEE) in 2023.
- 54% of all students enrolled in Adara-supported schools are girls – through education we are reducing the risk of child trafficking and early marriage.
- Reconstructing classrooms with earthquake-safe technology to improve infrastructure and providing disaster relief training as part of ongoing quality improvement plans for schools.
- Providing teachers with ongoing training and professional development opportunities to ensure they remain motivated and can provide quality education to the students.
Our impact
We are committed to improving our impact as an educator, an employer, and a global citizen. Community contribution and development outcomes, which includes the NET, is one of our 12 priority impact topics.